If you are currently operating your aircraft privately, meaning under NCC regulation, but managing your plane through a commercial operator, this is probably not the best appropriate financial solution.


While we confirm that the professional management of your aircraft is definitely the most importance in order to assure safe operation and to protect the value of the asset, normal aircraft operators mostly offers a total package required to operate your aircraft. In depth knowledge from the different aspects is highly recommended but mostly not available in one organization. Also, the large competition among operators creates profit decrease leading to costs reduction and lower quality service. Finally, most operators negotiate contracts with the suppliers that give them the greatest deal, not always in your favor, and proceed to price mark up on top of it.


If you don’t need an AOC to allow you to fly commercial, we would rather suggest a hybrid and customized operation approach that will give you satisfaction but will be mostly optimized in your favor.


Additionally, you will not be depending on one single operation or organization. For the different aspects, we will help you to build the perfect operation « a la carte » in total transparency.
